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List of Scientific Terms and Constants


Atomic mass unit [1g/Avogadro = 1.6606·10-24 g = 9.315·1011 meV/c 2]
Avogadro number [ 6.0225·1023 1/mol ]
Bohr magneton [ 5.79·10-2 meV/T ]
Boltzmann constant [ 8.6174·10-2 meV/K = 1.3805·10-23 J/K ]
Compton's wavelength [h/mc = 2.4263·10-10 cm ]
constant pi [ 3.141592653589 ]
constant gamma [ 0.577215665 ]
constant hc [ 12.39841886 A·keV ]
constant keV = 1.60219·10-16 J = 11.605 ·106 kBT
Coulomb force constant [ 8.98755·109 Nm2/c2 ]
crystal constant for Si [ 5.43102030 A ]
electron charge magnitude (4.8032·10-10 esu = 1.6022·10-19 coulomb)
electron classic radius [re = e2/mc2 = 2.8179·10-13]
Hartree energy [ 27.211396 eV ]
Josephson frequency-voltage ratio [ 4.8359767·1014 Hz/V ]
Planck's constant (reduced) [ 6.5822·10-13 meV s ]
Rydberg constant [ 13.6056981 eV ]
spead of light [ 2.99792·1010 cm/s]
Thomson cross-section [8*pi*re2/3 = 0.66524 barn (10-24 cm2) ]


    имя     значение  русское  интерн 
пико 10-12 п p
нано 10-9 н n
микро 10-6 мк µ
милли 10-3 м m
санти 10-2 с c
деци 10-1 д d
дека 10 да da
гекто 102 г h
кило 103 К K
мега 106 М M
гига 109 Г G
тера 1012 Т T
1 atm = 1.01 dyn/cm2
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 newton = 105 dyn
1 J (joule) = 6.2415·1015 keV = 107 erg
1 cal = 4.184 J


Abraham-Lorentz equation of motion
Ampere's law
Auger effect
Bethe-Salpeter formula
Bloch theorem
Born approximation
Bragg diffraction
Bravais lattice
Brillouin zone
Brownian motion
Cooper' pair
Debye-Waller factor
destructive interference
Dirac delta function
Doppler shift
electric dipole moment (transition)
electric quadrupole moment (transition) [ eqm / edm ~ r / lambda << 1 ]
Faraday's law
fluorescence yield
Fermi-Dirac function
Feynman garge
Fokker-Planck equation
Fourier transformation
Fraunhofer diffraction
Hartree-Fock approximation
Heaviside step function
Heisenberg representation
Heitler W. (The quantum theory of radiation, Oxford University Press, N.Y., 1944)
Huygens-Fresnel principle
Gaussian units
Kirchhoff integral
Kossel lines
Kramers' theory
Kramers-Kronig relation
Langevin's equation
Larmor's frequency
Lienard-Wiechert potentials
Lorentz condition
magnetic dipole transition [ mdm / edm ~ v / c << 1 ]
Moseley law
Moessbauer effect
Parratt's formula
Parseval's formula
Poynting vector
refractive index
Raman scattering
Rayleigh scattering
Roentgen's x rays
Rutherford scattering
Snell's law
Sommerfeld's condition
spontaneous emission
Takagi-Taupin equation
Taylor series

last modified: February, 2006
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