Web resourses
Web Links
- My frequently used links -- часто используемые ссылки
- Scientific web resources (journals, centres, data, etc.) -- научные ресурсы
- Computer programs, languages, information, etc. -- компьютерные программы, языки и т. д.
- Information, Knowledge bases, etc. -- информация, базы знаний, и т. д.
- Video, Music, Files, ets. -- сайты для просмотра и скачивания видео, музыки, кино и т. д.
- News, Weather, Sport, Culture, etc. -- новости, погода, спорт, культура
- Personal web pages (friends, family, others) -- персональные страницы друзей и т. д.
E-mail boxes
Last modified: October, 09, 2015
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My useful links
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Personal web pages
| My colleagues
| My family name
| Other sites |
My colleagues in various fields
- Stepanov Sergey -- (Minsk, Moscow, Berlin, Argonne, x-ray scattering)
- Koval'chuk Michail -- (x-ray optics, director, coauthor)
- Shur Vladimir -- (professor of Ural University, Ekaterinburg, student-friend)
- Ognev Leonid -- (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", DNS)
- Ulyanenkov Alex -- (x-ray diffraction, Minsk, Japan, Germany)
- Hauser Erich Henrihovich (programmer, email-friend)
- Guyer Jon -- (well IGOR-PRO expert)
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My family name
Other sites
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Scientific web resources
| Institutes
| Journals
| Synchrotrons
| Phys. & Math. Data |
Physical Institutes and Research Centres
- Kurchatov Institute -- Russian Research Centre, Moscow, Russia
IC RAS - Moscow -- Crystallography Institute, Russian Academy of Science
Nizhnii Novgorod Conferences
IPMT RAS -- Institute of Problems of Microelectronic Technology, Russian Academy of Science
ISSP RAS -- Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Chernogolovka
Hamburg University -- Hamburg, Germany
AdelphiTech - X-ray optics, including CRL
Institute of Physics -- London, UK
University of Sheffield, -- England, UK
Search machine -- for science.
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Physical Journals
- Russian journals RAS
Crystallography Reports
Izvestiia RAN. Seriia Fizicheskaia
Physics-Uspekhi - (Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk)
Fizika Tverdogo Tela
Pis'ma v ZhETF - Russian web-site
JETP - American translation
Physical Review A,B,...,Lett
Elsevier Sciencedirect
NIM, Opt. Comm., Optik, Physica A-E, Phys. Lett. A-B, Phys. Rep.
Applied Physics Letters
Applied Optics
Hyperfine Interactions
Europhysics Letters
Physica Scripta
Physica Status Solidi (a)
Physica Status Solidi (b)
Physica Status Solidi
Phys. Stat. Sol. - Status of articles
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
Review of Scientific Instrument
Optics Communicatons
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
SPIE Web-site
Review of Modern Physics
AIP Journal Center - online access to the journals:
Technical Physics (Russian)
Technical Physics Letters (Russian)
and others
Crystallography journals - online access to the journals:
Acta Crystallographyca A, B, C, D
Journal of Applied Crystallography
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal de Physics, IV (Paris)
Optik (Urban & Fischer Verlag)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Optical Society of America - homepage of society
Springer Journals - (total list)
IDEAL - International Digital Electronic Access Library (guest access allows to see abstracts)
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Synchrotron Radiation Sources
- ESRF - (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France)
SPring-8 - (Super Photon Ring 8, Osaka, Japan)
APS - (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, USA)
DESY - (Deutsches Elektronen SYnchrotron, Hamburg, Germany)
HASYLAB - (HAmburg SYnchrotron LABoratory, DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
CHESS - (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source)
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Physical and Mathematical Data
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Computer programs, languages, etc.
| Companies
| Languages
| Programs
| Downloads
| Pocket PC
| Pictures |
Computer Companies, Shops, Drivers
Computer Languages in Web
- Java
- Java Basis -- all about with free compiler from Sun
- Java Forums -- форумы по java
- Java Station
- [Java book at IBM] -- курс программирования на языке Java на русском языке от IBM
- [ Java-book ] --- online книга о программировании на Java
- [ JUGA.ru ] --- сервер, содержит многих страниц с ресурсами по Java
- [ JAVAPORTAL ] много интересных ресурсов по Java
- [ DS Applets ] 92 апплета от Dario Sciassa, есть очень интересные
- [ ComProg - Java ] --- (можно скачать книги Рамодина и Картузова о Java)
- [ Фролов - Java ] --- книга Фролова о Java онлайн
- [ Примеры кода Java ] --- онлайн библиотека примеров кода на Java от Фроловых
- [ Рамодин - Java ] --- книга Дмитрия Рамодина о Java онлайн
- [ Java_COURSE_Lec01.pdf ] файл первой лекции о Java, заменяя в адресе 01 на ... 16 можно получить все 16 файлов
- [ SKIPY ] --- интересные статьи о программировании на Java
- [ JavaMania ] --- статьи и книги о Java на сайте Вадима Гузева, там же есть и другие ресурсы
- [ Ссылки на Java ] --- большой список ссылок на ресурсы о Java
- Others
- Fortran -- all about Fortran and it's application
- Postscript -- Short Web Documentation about language
- Fortran for Postscript -- a set of free Fortran subroutines for making PS graphics
- computer Graphics -- formats of files (gif, bmp, jpg, etc.)
- LaTeX3 project -- information on the last LaTeX development
- HTML total description -- W3schools by NEXTRA
- HTML for Beginners -- Ultimate Guide
- First steps in many languages -- simple but useful information
- JavaScript manuals -- complete documentation from Netscape site
- Yehuda JavaScript -- examples of JavaScript code
- JS-planet -- examples of JavaScript code
- JavaScript source -- (examples of JavaScript code)
- JSworld -- information on HTML and JS
- Python language site -- Free Interpreter and description from Google
- Forth language site (author Larionov Aleksandr Genadievich)
- Lua -- Site on Programming language
- Euphoria -- Site on Programming language
- Free program, web, security resourses -- eng
- Tutorials on Programming Languages -- collection
- Review about Programming Languages -- article
- Links on HTML, CGI and WEB-tools
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Computer Programs in Web
Pocket computer)
Icons and Pictures in Internet
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Information, Knowledge bases, etc.
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Video, Music, Files, ets.
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News, Weather, Sport, Culture, etc.
| Info and Search
| Moscow
| Sport
| Weather & Medicine
| Culture and Journals
| Others |
Info, Search, Online
- Search in GOOGLE
- GRANI.ru - info, current russian news
- Gazeta.ru - info, current russian news
- info, Secret materials on Russia
- README.RU - большой сайт обо всем
- APORT - Search and resources, part of ROL
- UP -- Internet server and Resources
- tela.dux.ru -- Search by word in russian, ukraine and belorus
- Corbina -- Online, Internet server, Resourses -- rus
- RELCOM.ru - Online, Internet server, Resourses -- rus
- ORC.ru - Online, Internet server, Resourсe -- rus
- REBORN.ru - INFO on cinema, music etc. -- rus
- POLIT.ru - Politic news on russian and english -- rus
- Byki i Korovy - russian
- Kiril i Mefodii - russian
- KULICHKI.com -- russian info server, TV programs
- Megasait -- yellow site, star photos
- CHAT.ru - my old server, which does not work
- Vazhno.ru - yellow with danger-ref
- USATODAY.com -- news from USA
- ALTAVISTA.com -- the most popular american search machine
- SITES.com - search (for USA only)
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Weather & Medicine
Culture and Journals
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