Computer programs


Calculator (javascript)
Figure of function of one argument (javascript)
Game-Conundrum (javascript)
VKPS: program - generator PostScript graphics from data files and protocol
Compound Refractive Lens parameters (javascript)
Programs, written with FORTRAN (DOS, Windows, UNIX)
Elastic Trail (javascript)




























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Programs, written with FORTRAN (DOS, Windows, UNIX)

[ VKS ] | [ Calculator ] | [ VKPRO ] | [ DOS ]

During my scientific work i have prepared a lot of computer programs. Some of them may be of interest for other people, especially the last programs created for PC (DOS or Windows) or UNIX or Internet (javascript). Some of such programs are presented below.

VKS (DOS) -- Viewer of numerical data

This program is compiled with the old compiler MS-Fortran 5.0 for DOS plus a set of assembler subroutine. However it works with Windows as a DOS application. The program takes the file name from the command line and shows a content of the file graphically. The figure is shown in the whole screen and has a resolution 640*480*16. The quality of figure is correspondent to a level of early 90-th, but it is sufficient for the first examine of data. Instead the program works quickly and is completely autonomic. I have an analogue of this program as a Windows application, but I did not use it because the DOS application is better and convenient. The file must contain the numbers written as ASCII strings in columns (it is a standard representation similar to data files of "Origin", for example). The first column is an argument (x), the second, third and so on are the functions value f1(x), f2(x), ... The file may contain a header of any kind and any number of functions with one restriction -- the length of the text line must have no more than 256 signs. This restriction can be made more weak but up to now it is good as it is. One function is necessary, namely, there are must be at least two columns. Each line of the file represents one point and the number of points is not limited. The text line of columns can contain dots, commas, blank signs and "Tab" signs. The program shows the axis " x " and axis " f(x) " automatically and draw the functions by different colors.

It is convenient to use this program with the files which has a special extension "*.vks". If one connects this extension with the program, then the program runs by simple press [Enter] after a choice of the necessary file name in Windows Explorer (I use Windows Commander - it is much better). The program may be run from another programs and may be used as an element of user's environment (mini operating system) of large program packages. The program may work with many files (up to 10). The names of all files must be placed on the command line separated by blank symbol (in a usual way). In this case the key [Enter] in Windows Explorer or Windows Commander cannot be used, however sometimes this way of using the program is convenient. For example, when one needs to compare the results of calculation with the experimental data which have other arguments and are saved in a separate file. In the case of showing many files the axes are created using the data of only the first file. The rest files are drawn inside the same axes. The program uses the Fortran font file "modern.fon" which has to be placed in "c:\" disk and has a path "c:\modern.fon". This file may be found in any realization of Microsoft Fortran.

To obtain the program "vks.exe" with the file "modern.fon" send me e-mail message with a request. I usually send ZIP-archive as an Attachment. However other ways are possible as well. The program was written many years ago but a last realization is made recently.

I have as well my own programs (DOS) for showing the two-dimensional array as a three-axes graph or color topograph. They take from the command line the name of file of input data. They are also free and may be received on request. Even working in IGOR-PRO environment, which has a powerfull graphical support in Windows format, I nevertheless use my own program for showing two-dimentional dependences because it is better and more convenient for preliminary examination of the calculation results. As for printing I use VKPS. The IGOR-PRO graphics is very good for drawing the images with simultaneous showing the level lines. My programs of such a kind turned out to be ineffective.
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Calculator: DOS version

This program is compiled with the old compiler MS-Fortran 5.0 for DOS plus a set of assembler subroutine, and it is named as "vkcalc.exe". However it works with Windows as a DOS application. The program is very similar to the "Calculator (javascript)" for Internet (see a separate line of the list of programs). However, it works only on PC with Windows or DOS and may be kept as a separate windows or as an icon on the desktop. This style is faster compared to Netscape especially on the weak computers. I use it frequently many years and up to now. However, today I am working on Pentium III with an operating memory size of 256 Mb, and I have found that Microsoft Internet Explorer of version 5.5 and higher runs rather quickly. So the calculator on javascript can be convenient for a usage. Recently I have created a similar calculator on the IGOR-PRO language. Third calculator has a very compact code, compared to the first one. But for this one needs to have IGOR-PRO. To obtain the program "vkcalc.exe" send me e-mail message with a request. it has a small size of about 52 Kb.
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VKPRO: program manager as a Windows application

This is a program package for Windows-95 and higher, compiled with FORTRAN Power Station 4.0. The program makes a comfortable shell for the user calculating program (UCP). By means of the file "vkpro.ini" the program "vkpro.exe" may be used with the arbitrary UCP which satisfies some simple rules. The program itself makes practically nothing, except it creates windows having a anme and menu. Both the name and the menu are determined in "vkpro.ini" and may be redetermined many times because it is a usual text file. A correspondence between the lines of menu and running files is determined in the command file "vkpro.bat". The task for users is to elaborate the program which only makes a calculation with some inout data and saves them as a numerical file with columns. Then "vkpro" is able to show these results graphically, to compare them with the experimental data and to prepare the postscript file for creating the hard copy. The program package can involve any number of service programs as well as some elements of DOS operating system. Generally speaking, this program is unnecessary for the experienced programmer who works independently, it is sufficient to have "Windows Commander". But if it is necessary to set a beginner, then the Windows frame can be prepared for him for five minutes, and he will think that he works with full-scaled Windows application.

To obtain the demo-version of the program send me e-mail message with a request, and I will send ZIP-archive. I can write the file of instruction - how to work with the program. Some instruction exists, but rather short.
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DOS: example of UNIX program for users

DOS means "Density Of States". The program calculates the phonon density of states from the spectrum of inelastic nuclear resonant scattering. It is used on the beamline 18 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) as a UNIX application. The detailed description of the program may be found in the article 112 of the list of publications. The program may be obtained from ESRF while PDF file of the article from me or from ESRF as well. This program is of interest from the point that it was written in Windows environment, but in such manner, that after debugging it was sufficient to compile it with UNIX FORTRAN, and it becomes UNIX application. it understand its own language for definition of input data as a protocol of work written in the text file. When calculation is fulfilled, it writes a protocol of the figures as a Postscript file for the program VKPS (see separate line in the list of programs), and then it runs the VKPS to obtain PS file. The latter runs automatically with the program Netscape. As a result, the program turns out to be very compact and universal. Later, the IDL graphical shell was created for this program. But IDL costs much and only few have it, while VKPS costs nothing.
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last modified: July 2003

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